Aeon Mark 1312 Advancement
There is nothing more gratifying for a Mark Lodge then Advancing a Candidate into Mark Masonry for Aeon Mark and indeed the other Mark Lodge meeting at Leyland, these are not rare events, but when your Candidate is a young man, it becomes a little special.
Dave Robinson, Gordon McKay, Paul Wharton-Hardman, Terry Fowler,
Dave Coulson Dave Stewart and Roy Hayes
On Thursday 21th February the members gathered, supported by a goodly number of visitors from Leyland Mark, to witness Paul Wharton-Hardman join our wonderful Order,
The Master, Gordon McKay, had a Special treat instore for us and had invited two of our Past Masters, Roy Hayes and David Stewart to assist in splitting the Advancement Ceremony between them. What might not have been obvious to all is the both Roy and David are members of Leyland St Andrews Craft Lodge where Paul is the Secretary. Oh yes, the tools explaned by Chris Wild! (Leyland St. Andrews)
Dave Robinson, Gordon McKay and Terry Fowler
The evening went like a dream, with the Senior Deacon, Dave Coulson guiding Paul around the lodge with an air of confidence. In no time at all we had a new member, and we could get on with the admin moving our meetings the Chorley in the short term.
The PGM’s Special Representative, Dave Robinson presented Terry Fowler with his Grand Lodge Certificate during the risings.
After the Lodge was closed, we retired to the festive board which was waiting for us when we came downstairs.
After the Meal I was able to gather those who had worked the evening together for a quick photo call for the website.  
Words and pictures by Mike Beesley PGJD Lodge Almoner and Webmaster